Who else’s sneaker collection/addiction stems from always loving and wanting them as kid but never being able to afford them?
my personal opinion on the battlefield leaks. (I’m aware things are subject to change)
Public Service Announcement: Step Back and Let Reality Set In
Stop and Shop is deteriorating
Rebuilt title? 2017 Honda Civic
If you could bring 3 things from Battlefield V to the new battlefield what would it be ?
What do you guys think Hondas most underrated vehicle is? For me it’s the 8th & 9th gen accord coupe ⬇️
We need to vote him out people. He’s running our state into the ground. Anyone with common sense regardless of political preference would know this.
South Kingstown CCW
I think we are finally done with this one! 19x
Mec-Gar’s New Steel Glock Mags
Question about obtaining Blue card in Ri
RI gun shop owner warns new assault weapons bill could put him out of business
Regardless of political preference, I think everyone can agree lol.
Pit bull opinion shift?