Never used the suicide quickhack on a guy equipped with a cut-o-matic before. Absolutely brutal.
I caught this guy A posing
Phil Spencer says more movies and TV shows based on Xbox games are on the way
What characters do you think the T-1000 could beat in a fight in mk1?
If you could make your own achievement,how do you get it?
Can someone help me with creator spring quest right now?
Someone wants to hop on and quickly do spring raid quests?
Fuck NRS for making this mandatory. Just why?
I think my og halo 3 disk is dying out
i can finally play the game since microsoft added it to the xcloud, anyone willing to play with someone new to play with me? my gamertag is kalxto#9501
So, nobody played Hivebusters?
These MKX skins are amazing! I hope more MKX skins come down the road.
What can I do with all of this since the event ended
So will all things from the clix icon tournament on Friday be available to get in the shop?
T-1000 gear and palettes
ATTENTION SOON-TO-BE-GHOULS OF APPALACHIA -- you are hereby conscripted to ore detail at radiation rumble.
Do the lookout bundle and fort fortress bundles have a thing from a scoreboard?
Will these still be here to buy after spring sale?
Anyone wants to friend me?
Completed Endurance
Can't stop thinking about how perfect Daffy & Porky would've been in a potential Season 6 had this game not flopped
They are 3 unused birds in Halo 3’s game files
Season 19 is over , What level did u reach?
First look at the MK2 movie skins coming later this year