Masters at their work
Tell me the best hottakes you’ve ever heard please and thank you
Favorite male character you’d get pregnant
Tfw i feel comfortable with a name
Golfer regrets taking out his frustration on a sprinkler
Isn't she 10 years old?
One of the most devastating nerfs of the MCU
If Monster Hunter ever got a live action movie, who would you want directing it?
What if Mizora did the whole devil ritual but insted of horns he ends up like this
The pragmatic, female, usually blonde personal assistant to the antagonist
Non canon arc so good, People thinks it's Canon.
I think my mate, Paul worked on the cgi of stranger things season 5 (2025)
This Shit is just Sinister
Let’s Dance
Whole race just being females or one "gender"
Favorite character who has used this type of attack?
When the RNG wants you to fail
Drop your less funny comedian
what cartoon was this for you?
Humans Turned Gods
Official Designs that the entire fandom rejects
Amended list of head-giving characters
Scenes and exchanges that were 100% written by a parent
Can someone give me ONE policy that Trump spoke about or introduced that actually catered towards men