My photos didn't develop and I have no idea why
Обсуждение "Машины Времени " и ее необходимости
M39 Setups
Witch Hunt: This is one of the people that stole my car on Monday. If you have information contact 53 division. Report No. 25-559966
Any info on those Leica?
I guess I don’t have to buy film for awhile
Which of These Designs of the Löwe would have gone in production?
Soviet soldier photographed wearing an SN-42 Steel breastplate body armor with three bullet impacts
What is the highest shutter speed on film cameras?
why doe the number 1 on the kodak 120 film look like a line????
Some of yall need this
Tips on shooting expired film
How would ob develop a 20 year old B&W 1600 film?
What does iso stand for?
Not a Leica, but..
More Aunt Mae, because she was such a big hit a few days ago.
People really having fun at what looks like a double wedding, Harlem, New York 1940s.
Meme I made cause I did exactly this
Зачем вам смарт часы?(apple watch)
What do you use for "Cell phone"? Телефон? Мобильник? Смартфон?
How far did the concept of the geschützwagen tiger go?
I do not know a lot of things about this old market sticker. I have this camera Balda Baldini with case and this stickers. Dose this stickers increase the price of the camera? I realy like to learn more about it. I just started a collection of old cameras and bought this one online.
Looking for suggestions on medium format cameras that are moderately easy to repair
Toronto cop accused of accidentally discharging firearm
Gun possession case thrown out over ‘serious’ misconduct by Toronto police officer