i like gun shows now
Glock 45 is best 45
A video of a delivery guy getting into a fight with 2 security guards it shows how poorly trained many security guards.
If you don’t like iron sights I don’t like you.
Which of the 3 scope mounts would you guys choose?! Thanks!
Are people still wanting these?
Who else here still runs an OG Glock 43!
Rate my kit
Brand new baby void needs a name
Pre-owned SA Emissary 9mm for $699. Go or No?
1:5 vs 1:7 slowmo ballistic gel devastation
I found throwing knives in my front yard that were definitely not there last week
Got in to Firearms 3 Years Ago
Guys, is it gay to not paint your rifles?
6mm arc ready for mammoth sniper challenge
What's the name of this 1970s sitcom TV show?
Really enjoying my new specialist in 10mm
Do you think the RMR is outdated? Hard to beat the aesthetic though.
Who drives this truck?
Staccato P Final Chapter
Rate my pick up
First Red dot options
USP slide came back from Primary Machine, milled and coated
Retro Mod build
What sidearms are we rocking?