What’s your go-to line for dirty talk?
What was one of the weirdest/dumbest advertisements you've ever seen?
What harmless prank quickly turned into a not-so-harmless prank?
What concepts in cartoons would be terrifying if they existed in real life?
Who likes these?
You have been given an endless supply of money, but you have to spend it to mess with someone in a way that they are not injured or seriously screwed over. What do you spend your money on?
What was the weirdest pick-up you've ever gotten?
What's the best way to tell people "Shut up"?
How can money buy happiness?
You can have any superpower, but it can only moderately annoy people. What is your power?
What is the best joke you've heard?
Your username is how you lose your virginity. How/who fucked you?
What pisses you off because it makes sense?
What do you wanna argue about right now?
What is the most disturbing fact you've learned?
What according to you is wasteful but people still spend a lot of money on?
What makes you uncontrollably mad?
What do you think is the most likely way humanity will be wiped out?
What was the most fucked up thing someone said to you?
What will you never understand no matter how many times someone explains it to you?
What is one reason you never want to have kids?
What is the most impressive thing you've ever seen/did?
What was the best comeback to an insult that you heard/said?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
If you had access to a time machine, when/where is the first place you would go?