It could be a dumb question: But isn't the formation of fossil fuels an endless loop?
Paganinis caprices sound like wankery to me
Why Lucid's CEO Thinks 180-Mile EVs Are 'The Future' [InsideEVs]
When do you throw away a reed?
Movies that are peaceful with almost no tension
MINI Cooper SE autonomy in the cold?
SE Hardtop Charging
Are Caiman Cowboy boots allowed into Canada*
110v Charging
Management wants me to assemble batteries, I don't know if this is 100%
Charging question from a scientifically illiterate person
Student Struggling with Particular Slur
If the clarinet has odd harmonics, why does it have the same overtone series as other instruments?
Saxophone repair technician?
Chargepoint CEO Rick Wilmer Explains New Theft Resistant EV Charger Cables, Charger Protect Feature
Should I take this deal? 2500 445 W panels for $70K
Would you consider this playable?
Our rescue GP attacked my 7 year old sister this morning; need some advice please :(
Alberta Net Metering
Hidden underground hydrogen reserves could power the entire Earth for centuries
Angus Barbieri was a Scottish man who fasted for over a year with no ill effects.
Possibly refuse to total the car after a crash?
Clueless Uncle Needs Bassoon Help
Could this be used as permanent carbon storage?
Calgary man's checked bag loaded with $371,675 seized at Winnipeg airport