All Biden's pardons are invalid, says Trump (MSN)
Guess who claims all the credits
To whoever put their dog’s shit on our family’s Tesla today — fair play.
Russia's Medvedev threatens war with NATO over Ukraine peacekeepers
AITA for Telling My Husband Im Not the Reason Hes Overweight?
Wij hebben geen hobbies
Capital is flowing from the U.S. to Europe
What are your thoughts on the BuyFromEU movement?
Can any one tell me how to eat this
Why don't India attack the North Sentinel Island to assert dominance? It would be very easy for them to invade a stone age island. Are they stupid or something?
Exploring Dutch Demand for Winter Holidays in Norway
NC Republican Congressman screamed at by Constituents in a Town Hall event
First time I'm seeing "Made in EU" on a product
How do you handle getting downvoted?
why is my karma at -1 when i have no posts or comments 😭
Revisionist history of the 90s is outstanding!
AITAH for refusing to let my sister "breastfeed" my baby with her non-existent milk?
🇺🇸 US stock market has lost $5.5 TRILLION in the past 30 days
“Euros when forced to enjoy their food”
Does it make sense to ask Kamala to get back out there?
What’s a European Man’s midlife crisis look like?
Hoe ontmoeten normale, single mensen met een 9-tot-5-baan en geen bijzondere hobby’s een vriend of vriendin?
AITA for telling my cousin why no one wants to attend my aunts 80th birthday party?
Trump swing voters in Michigan have buyers' remorse
Kan Nederland eigen kernwapens ontwikkelen, en hoe snel?