why am i being guilt tripped by my boss
Returned to Bf1 and Bf5; 5 feels better??
Which YouTuber is like this for you?
AMD Reaches 45% GPU Market Share In Japan, Achieving Peak Market Share And Is Even Aiming Higher
Hvor mange av dere er det som ikke vil ha barn? Hvorfor?
MSI skips RDNA 4 and will not manufacture AMD Radeon 9000-series GPUs
Steam is on another level
I already have BF1 on PC Gamepass. If i buy it on Steam, do i just log in with the same EA Play account and keep my progress? Or will it be a new account
We all love the older games, but stop circlejerking.
Groook!!!! Noooo!!!!
Average Redditor nowadays, not here to learn anything, just look at propaganda.
That moment when this guy who killed children was more well written and felt kinda sad to see him become a monster than Abby from the game
A kid got arrested and expelled at my school.
I'm really bored pick a number between 1 and a billion and if you pick the right one I'll give you a prize
I will not let the white city
It looks like Ellie went through a lot of crazy shit getting to Santa Barbara
Inner peace LOL
iPhone 16e is trash
Putin's fredskrav, om dette stemmer så forstår vel de fleste hvor desillusjonert han er!
Putin's Demands For "Peace"
Protective cummies ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
iPhone 16e is a joke
how much sleep do you guys get?
Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto 5 Enhanced Now the Worst User-Reviewed GTA on Steam - IGN
Why is it so much fun to bash this game?
What's your excuse to not being gaming right now?