Am I the only one that HATES this argument?
PC advice for returning to WoW
Alien Found Footage
It's because he doesn't fill out a corset as well as she does, isn't it?
It's been 5 years since the game release, and we're still discussing the controversy. Given the time that's passed, how would you rate it now, from 1 to 10?
The Bunker has WiFi?
The main sub
So we’ve had PhaseWALK, PhaseLOCK, PhaseSHIFT, PhaseLEECH, and PhaseSLAM, what’s her thing gonna be?
Realistic expectations for 2025 season
Dean should've said yes before Sam had the chance to
My friend mains Fire Mage... and so does his keyboard 🔥 I'm surprised too
This is in response to Domino's LOL XD
this is a REAL notification i got lol
I'm convinced we're trading on draft day
For those who played TWW on release, are you still playing?
AITA for Making My Brother's Fiancée Take a Paternity Test Before Paying for Their Wedding?
AIO to my ex’s post?
Who are they? victims or villains?
Fable 4 Could Be Set Before Fable 2, Based On New Trailer
Dr. Pepper Blackberry
The service prices are absurd
So with his Raid out in 2 days, what do you think Gallywix's fate will be? Will he be killed? By us, or by Xal'atath? Was he secretly planning to betray and 'Undermine' her for his own gain or just a pawn who couldn't pass up a good deal?
I wish the Trading Post could become less "fairy stuff"... 3/4 of this months offers are just butterfly/sailor moon things...
I hope it's not an unpopular opinion, but what we've seen so far showed me that we can trust the devs
Casual cod is dead! (Part 100)
Which game is the perfect example of this?