My Lego rogues
North Korea is a ___ country
Happy birthday Barry
Green Lantern fans, do you believe in free will?
My opinion on The Flashpoint arch
I raise this question: Which Silver Age Flash villains would work as Golden Age Flash villains?
1914 MapChart HOI4 provinces (not the most accurate but I tried my best)
Yall is it free?
You gotta admit #261(1973) is a great cover.
What is your Halloween hot take ?
I read this on a website what’s your opinion on it
Working on a new Lego Flash stop motion film! Consider subscribing to my channel I would appreciate it. Have any questions feel free to ask. Thank you.
What's the shape of our planet Earth.
What are these called in your language?
Would you want a Jay Garrick (The original Flash) to have a tv series or cartoon series of his own?
Repurposed Hulk Mech 🤝 Lex Luthor Mech
Not fond of narratives of Wayne's parents being "corrupt". Them being noble elites who tried to do the right thing gives meaning to Batman's mission
Got called gay. How do I fix it.
"Why don't you love me?" "Because you're _______"
I wanna start a YouTube channel, where do I start?
A classic
Question about the World Wars?
Is there any picture of Harold Ramis in a wheelchair or with autoimmune inflammatory vasculitis? I searched on Google and found nothing.
Extreme Ghostbusters