White House denies defying federal judge's order over deportations, stating, "Well, there's actually questions about whether a verbal order carries the same weight as a legal order, as a written order."
Russian economy in freefall as mortgage costs soar and mass layoffs hit firms
Tesla Stock: Sell The Dip Before Things Get Worse (NASDAQ:TSLA)
Only those of a certain age would understand this ! 😂
What happens next, now that a District Judge's orders are ignored?
Why do I feel so off about people like Dr Ramani and Richard Schwartz? Like they profit off people's vulnerabilities and truama?
Primaries? More like formalities.
Is this a reasonable note to leave
Would you pay $700 for this?
What is after cptsd in life? What comes after?
How are you supposed to react to compliments?
A heroic Iranian woman protests the Islamic Regime by singing without her hijab on a train. Under the Islamic Republic, women are banned from singing in public. She risks imprisonment and corporal punishment just for singing this classic Iranian love song.
US deports hundreds of Venezuelans despite court order
Unity protects us
Ohhh that's who
This isn’t something you see on a daily basis in London.
Yes you.
Bro needs to chill lol
Man Whose Daughter Died From Measles Stands By Failure To Vaccinate Her: “The Vaccination Has Stuff We Don’t Trust”
On Trump's order, US launches large-scale attacks on Iran-backed Houthis
People ahead of us at security brought a cake through security
I miss violence.