Got called gay. How do I fix it.
What the actual fuck?
How good this skin could have been without googly eyes
How good this outfit could have been if it wasn't so googly eyed
Losercity gun
I got told that I look like I "take it crazy style" ..... any good comebacks?
What do you get for completing this BP?
Martin energy
I just can’t rank up my teammates so ahh😭🙏
Ferrari SF-24 | before HP
City skylines
Entire slice cut out of mountain to make room for some tennis courts?
What is that skin for you that you always have to have it in one of your loadouts?
20 years of trying, 20 years of frustration…
This is why I'm still copper 3
How does a 60 ton hunk of metal just do a backflip like this
This is why I'm copper 3
What is the KF5 supposed to be
Can nick tell me the ballistics of this please
Skin name pls
When are we getting Indycar?
I hate this game