Labyrinthos: It Is Literally Shaped Like Hell
Does anyone enjoy solo duties where you're playing as other characters?
Battle Content Credits
[7.0 Spoilers] Some lore questions I have about living memory and heritage found
The feeling of character progression shouldn't come at the cost of gameplay.
As of the time of writing there is only 2 classes that have appeared in every FRU clear so far. One of them is actually the weakest damage wise in its role: what’s its competitor doing wrong?
Thoughts and opinions on FRU now that it's done
Why do people have to do the sleuthing for the 3rd Party Software instead of Third Party Software itself.
Futures Rewritten (Ultimate) World Race - Post-Race Thread
FFXIV Mobile Voice Cast
Arcane season 2 / Arc 3 - Episode 9 / Live Discussion
Would DRG players have preferred to lose Life Surge instead of the two Nastrond stacks?
FFXIV Mobile Announced
[s2 spoilers] "caitlyn flipped so unexpectedly!" meanwhile, caitlyn:
Controller players — what are your thoughts on different controllers for XIV?
What are Fantasy Pants, to you?
Thoughts on the new ff11 jueno story?
New housing announced in WOW
Has it occured to anyone that Yoshi-P keeps claiming Job Identity is crucial but we're getting a WHM relic in the cash shop?
Apparently, you can't log into the forum if you don't have an active subscription.
Jeuno: The First Walk is probably the best 24-man since the Ivalice ones (Full Spoilers)
Wuk Lamat redub in final trial
The new alliance raid is a disappointment
Square Enix holdings share price drop 12%, in fears of profit lost 27% in July - September
Job flavors or lack thereof