My gf farted while we were laying the pipe…
If we don’t get taxed on OT, than next year will I have to pay a ton of money back on taxes?
Want to watch a new show - The Sopranos or The Wire?
The Oscars won't exist in 20 years
I know this might get taken down but I saw other cities in the area leave the flyers up. So here goes…
What would make you enjoy living in SA more?
Currently in the military, looking to exit around this time 2027; how can I ensure I get into an apprenticeship program before fully exiting?
Why do people feel so entitled to cut in front of long lines just because they know someone in the front of it… wait your turn Becky!!
Just got out the army and need a job
What actor/actress would you like to play you in a movie about your life?
What upscale restaurants in San Antonio are the best in your opinion?
Can people tell that you just had sex (they say you smell after sex)?
Bald people, when you wash your face, when do you stop?
If you paid $100 in taxes how should your tax dollars be allocated?
What’s the worse thing that can happen by using a dirty toilet bowl seat?
Is Ed Hardy or Affliction clothing cool or not cool to wear here?
Advice on moving to San Antonio
What’s the biggest mistake you wish you could undo?
Fill in or get rid…?
Give me a movie that can make me cry
Genuinely Curious
What’s the best little restaurant in San Antonio the nobody knows about but should..
Do people sleep naked?
Is it going to be like this from now on? Please tell me it’ll get colder…
In line at Whataburger for lunch, what’s your go to?