How to play tf2
Medi gun concept.
ProtoHeavy Loadout
make your choice
Darwin's rework.
No, that +12% Death Blow Resist will not make your Crusader 'INVINCIBLE'
TF2C has crit sandviches.
Anarchy chess needs to be stopped
Finally gave it a name
OK but what even is the thing the terrain uses to go up the rope????
Day 71 of Reddit making an Unturned map: Another Bunker?!
How we can make weapon worse?
Post your controversial hot take of the day
That's a big fat flamethrower, what did you expect?
I accidentally won a 1/729 chance at my slot machine
I bought every Righteous Bison on
Find two "incorrect" things in this screenshot
This is a bucket
Selbstverständlich mit recyclebaren Regenschirmen
What makes you rage at Terraria
My two (possibly questionable) weapon ideas:
(Day 71) #FixTF2
How would you buff the Spy?