I hate that people say Balloon is over/underrated when it's higher than NOID, RAH TAH TAH, DARLING I, THOUGHT I WAS DEAD, and more. Thoughts?
I have a criminal in my house
What card is this?
What's the game?
Blue eye is the only one that's a right eye. All the others are left. Wonder why...Blue Eyes Right Dragon? Also, you could say they're all EYElands...I'll see myself out.
Share your takes on the newly released Tarkir Dragonstorm precon Commanders
[TDM] Dragon full art basic lands
Why didn't he just parry?
I was on the Bull's side from start ngl
Which Ulamog art is the best in your opinion?
type your favorite unit's name without using the crossed out letters. [Fluff]
type your favorite brawler's name without using the crossed out letters
Every time I buy I new card.
Name one character who had it [Fluff]-ing worse, I'll wait.
Is this card an infinite free sack outlet?
What is this?
Your username dictates how you die. How are you dying?
Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?
What's your least favorite boss, the one you hate fighting the most. Dlc/base game
Whether you sympathize with them or not, it's true
This scene makes me emotional every single time
Roses are red, I like to say pluh,
Roses are red, John is my name,
Isn’t he important to the season? Why hasn’t he come back yet?
Whats a tyler opinion that will get you relentlessly shamed for
does Reddit think I'm gay what is ts 😭🥀🥀🥀