Who has family members they dislike and how often you deal with them? What are your stories?
Is it weird to maintain a relationship with a sibling only so your kid has an aunt/uncle?
Is this normal in friendships?
Do women of European descent feel protected by the Trump administration?
People who kill bugs after you ask them not to.
Women who are feminists but don't identify as radical feminists, why?
AITA for not giving NEET father-in-law money?
Do women really prefer dark haired guys before blond guys?
Why do women bother asking on women subreddits if they should stay with her partner ?
Women of Reddit, if you had the power to send one piece of advice directly into the mind of every young man, what would it be?
What are some things other women commonly do that you can't stand?
As a guy, if you reject a woman who was crushing on you, do they still think about you?
How would you feel if you found out the guy you’re dating wasn’t THAT physically attracted to you?
Do you have any guilty pleasure music you like to listen to that you wouldn’t tell your friends about?
Do you think it’s transphobic for a straight men to not want to date a trans woman or vise versa? Why or why not?
AITA For asking my friend to bring her own food when she asks to come over.
Can I say what bothered me about early wizards of waverly place’s writing?
A random sorceress just turned my friend into a motorcycle and now she won't stop riding him. How can I get her to turn him back?
What's a popular stereotype about women that is usually more true about men, in your experience?
In what way have you been proud of yourself recently?
what do you guys think of indian men
WIBTA if I asked my roommate to either monitor her cat when letting her out or close my bedroom door?
AITA for confronting a mother who was encouraging her kid to throw a water balloon at me
On a scale of 1 to 10...where 1 is "spotless" and 10 is "I've seen cleaner skips at the dump"...how clean is your car?
Do compliments from attractive/unattractive people feel different for you?