What do y'all think is Will's weakest songs?
How does your favorite song impact you?
You were there or you weren't there?
Your dream WW genre?
What would you name a tour?
guys is William Wood gay?
What do you think is next on the X saga? (wrong answers only)
What's your favorite mid-song twist?
Is it just me or does Jreg kinda look like Sabrina Carpenter’s boyfriend?
Who are you sitting next to?
Where in the world do you listen to Will Wood's music?
Everything is a Lot Wikipedia draft
What other artists give off a similar vibe to Will Wood from their own songs?
I recommened some will wood songs to my freind is this an good list
How’d you all heard about Will Wood?
This TikTok gives strong Jreg vibes
Top 3 Twinks
Photos from the show tonight!
what are your favorite songs from will's former bands? (please keep it to the ones he's comfortable with, please and thank you)
What song introduced you to will wood?
Jreg Christmas meme
Does anyone else get “2012” vibes from this song (especially starting at 1:42)?
Saw this ad for community up and around Toronto - must be because of Jreg /j
If you could listen to any of his albums for the first time again, which one?