Unpopular opinion: save scumming combats is actually a good way for beginners to learn
Is this a glitch or do question mark rooms just work this way?
Inspired by the "Modern Conveniences" thread: Why do you even own a smartphone if you hate it so much?
What's a 'modern convenience' that actually made your life harder?
Let's agree to a draw...?
Nob's Club
Ich bin ein knappes halbes Jahr mit dem Rucksack durch Südostasien und Japan gereist - AMA!
This seems like a great deal.
*Chef's Kiss* Snecko Eye is truly delectable
Which one do you like to remove first?
Ich (W35) lebe seit insgesamt fast 15 Jahren in Japan. AMA!
Slay the Spire 2 Fanart (OG poster)
What's the Pick (A20 Defect)
Finally beat the Heart on my last character: The Watcher - I am the Heartbreaker!
Of course I had to get Time Eater >.<
Do I want another Rushdown here?
If the game let you build your own deck before starting a run, how would you balance the game?
Do people use set seeds as real runs or just to test things?
I finally made a balanced card! :D
Which should I duplicate?
Is "I am awake" worth it?
Just beat the Heart on my 3rd character: The Defect!
Why isn't Print Screen working for me?
What is pain?