Does anyone know anything about these coins?
How bad did I mess up?
My first eBay silver purchase
The western media keeps talking bad about syrians so I wanted to share this with you , I'm so proud of my homies
18,000 Member giveaway announcement!
Stall walls go almost all the way to the floor and don’t have any gaps
8 machines 48 coins
My first coinstar find!
Found these coinstar hunting today
How soon do we expect trump and Canada to come to a trade agreement and remove the steel tariff?
What are the best coins to look through?
Say cheese
Seems about right
Can someone help me figure out an exit strategy
INTC option 25.50 2/21
Bullish on STEEL amidst tariffs
What are the pros and cons of switching from a business major to finance?
Bullish of Steel with upcoming tariffs
Bullish about steel tarrifs
Bullish of steel tarrifs
Bullish of upcoming steel tarrifs
Daily Discussion for The Stock Market
My Zynvestmemt portfolio
My Zynvestment Portfolio: Diversified and Thriving
Buzzzin bee