Current selection at local shop
Dms, what celebrity voice impressions always sneak into your NPCs and you just can't help it?
Boys are buying for 256
I’ve done the highlighted route…which of the two remaining should I do next?
Moving across the country. Help
Goodbye friend
507 mcat, 3.59 gpa, 2 MD, 3 DO acceptances
Handsome Squidward Pumpkin
Business is boomin
Shrimp missing after water change
What are these orange flea-like things? Are they harmful to shrimp?
Looking for some advice on how long/what hours to set my lighting timer?
What are these? They look like orange fleas but I’ve never seen them before.
Shrimp ID? These shrimp have been living with my red cherry shrimp for 2 years and have not interbred, so I do not think these ones are neocaridina but cant find what kind of caridina they could be. Any help is appreciated:)