Only 3.5 jam tracks is really depressing
Can someone please tell me what skin this is?
gakkou gurashi art!
Did my pilot have a heart attack??
posting every day until season 2 is released > Day 35
posting every day until season 2 is released > Day 34
Watch out for this username
which car is this?
Happy Birthday to Rie Takahashi! (Miki’s Seiyuu)
Shovel girl and ...strawberry sauce !
What is a season that you regret not playing in?
My Gakkou Gurashi Collection
I made the club in fortnite lol
What's your favorite drop spot and why?
any tips for getting my hands on the gakkou gurashi figures?
What was your favorite thing about this season?
If Fortnite added crew skins to the shop, what skins would you yoink?
posting every day until season 2 is released > Day 20
ahh it’s that time of year❄️
My Legacy GT Spec B
Accidental Gakkou Gurashi Reference in DayZ?!!?
Megunee’s Mini in Forza Horizon 5
Why are you all so brutal