Boyfriend smashed my friend's phone because he was mad
I’m so sad even tears don’t come out of my eyes
What do you prioritize in your connections, when we are multifaceted human beings?
Why are so many men incapable of holding meaningful conversations?
He is expecting exclusivity after a couple of dates
Can we start saying we're incompatible with certain people instead of gender blaming?
Are you a selfish lover in bed?
Is it dumb to assume that someone else is better than me because they've had dating experience and I don't?
Would it be a shitty move to dump him over text if he’s always to busy to see me?
Actions speak louder than words
Men, do women need to become more feminine? What are the good single women doing wrong?
Men, how disappointing is it for you to date or end up with a small chested woman?
Is being an introvert a dealbreaker these days in a relationship?? Really?
Do women despise weak men romantically speaking?
He wants something serious but not with me….
My(20M) partner(19FtM) is thinking about becoming asexual
When do you feel like you're ready to do the deed?
He still didn‘t ask me to be his girlfriend and I‘m loosing interest, it‘s annoying and stressing me out
GF not into morning sex
How do you assess if someone has “game”?
Are men and women equally sexualized/objectified in media?
Why did he tell me to “lower my standards”?
Feeling desired as a man
How do you guys fight the feeling of hopelessness? Or rekindle the hope of finding unconditional love later in life?