Ask me anything, I'll reply as Chara.
How spaghetti is my factory?
Well time to rant of my hate
How long have I been on this game??
If anybody else is desperate like me, heres the accelerator!
Whats the value of this?
Let's make a TF2 mod! Suggest anything and I'll implement the top comments into an official steam mod using the newly-released SDK.
First Australiaum!(Re post)(Taken done since og breaks rule 5)
First Australiaum!
Whats the best to buy?
fuck comparing gameplay. which tf2/marvel rivals matchup would make for the best rap battle?
I need help lol
How tf do I make my sentry for more than 10 secs
Interesting thing for an sfm series
If you had the chance to fix one thing about your main what would it be?
Name these guys(wrong anwser only)
Who is stronger? A pink thing or a walking shark ult
Whoa stronger Kirby or Jeff the land sharks ult
Za wardo(time stop)
explain the entirety of GD in 3 words
Dis good?
Why is this man on fire