If there was an intruder then why didn't John just go downstairs with his rifle and take care of it
Found some jars of coins in a stone wall in my basement.
Biggest heartbreak in Fortnite Festival?
What’s best weapon? Striker AR or Nemesis AR?
From a player who loves the mode and would like to see it succeed.
How like 3/4 of my games go since making it to elite
This guy has been reported by me multiple times for the same thing. (And I'm not the only one) He's still in the top 100 and not banned almost 2 weeks later.
Do I spy a cheater in the top 100
What do we think of the Drum Gun?
New Toxicity?
Tips for getting better
What does the blue bar mean?
Is Master Chief still available to buy in Rainbow 6 Siege?
My mum doesn't let me wear this at school because apparently it's offensive to autistic people (I'm autistic people)
What’s a band that you’re hoping becomes a festival pass in the future?
Am I the only Fortnite liver that has this
Play dice throne in smosh?
Question: Is there a Ballistic Ranked cosmetic item that displays your rank like battle royale?
if you had a locker bundle, what would it be?
Like genuinely i haven’t seen a single person who mains bass
What does PFC/FC mean?
amphibia logic
AITA for telling my freind "jim" he's a massive jerk and he should be ashamed of himself?
AITA for not wanting to be freinds with "jim" anymore?
AITA for thinking my freind "jim" is a bully?
Find-A-Game Megathread!