In case you thought Arena formats were bad, here's top 20 from the recent Modern tournament
Hows the straight line speed
39M recently divorced. Life is good can't complain.
Does anyone else think alchemy cards ruin arena?
Memorial Drive, Calgary
[Standard] Why does Boros Auras see zero play on the PT?
What even is the purpose of this card?
For those who played TWW on release, are you still playing?
Is this okay to run?
Im done with this game.
Automatic Shift Boot
Ooze duplex 2 auto draw
Do I need 45 wins to finish this? Am I cooked, or can I make it
Absolute Poetry
Mods remove my post for capital letters to hide vaccine truths 😂
How is a new player supposed to survive?
Pretty annoyed with the Cresselia Ex event.
I Did It
10k Cards
Was it worth it?
Am I the only one or is this a universal experience?
Any advice would be appreciated, I’m in a 2018 STI and I’m chasing a 22 brz.
Had a little fun in the rain
Do you buy Wonder Hourglasses?