What’s goin on Apollo? (My favorite parrot to watch)
Titan commission!
Who's Better? (Me or Storm From X-Men)
Surveillance footage of a random shooting that occurred at a laundromat in Lafayette, Indiana on December 5, 2024. 73-year-old Louis McGlothlin shot and killed 1 person and injured 2 others before committing suicide
When you host a 'Confessional' stream but actually get cursed confessions.. 😨
Another peak by Senukin
How are we feeling about the fact the sub name is spelt wrong
No... Shondo... 💔
Yeah this is exactly what I expected from a creeper.
I wanna die
The present moment is a fragile illusion
Nice job reddit
For the love of everything , PLEASE update it so we dont have to watch this every time
Kittens (Artist: @Wtf_Asovietica)
If you had to live in one of these worlds which would you choose? Round 2!!
The last game you play has to survivor the hell invasion and can they do it or no?
Cross section of a ____
Which celebrity death has affected you the most?
Let girls like compliments
Can't believe this game pissed off my now ex-girlfriend
Speed of sound vs speed of light.
What's a moment in dokkan History you remember that doesn't get talked about a lot.
Top king quotes you keep repeating to yourselves?