Huyton twinned with Stadt Moers in Germany
Another rttf pick
Why is no one talking about how EA literally removed the ability to score headers on corners
Best CAM you've used so far?
He definitely had the choice to play for Wales right?
Curious how much would this card cost on the market ?
Any advice or is this a lost cause ?
Is anybody else always confused about Kevin’s living room
(G)I-dle - Miyeon
Mason isn’t actually dead ?
Was free food in pubs a common thing and if so when did it stop?
Unique evo teams
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Trump new hair style
PSVR2 $350 on Amazon
does anybody know why my comments are showing up as black ?. can't see what im typing
Black text in comments? Huh?
How long do orders usually take ?
Miss. O'Brien is the worst...
I’m so bad, I play in division 4 and the only time I went wl I won 5 games only
I’m curious has anybody else got this card?
Billy’s all snuggly and feeing the love.
Is it just me or is Dr Gaddas & Orla Cranshaw the same person?