I hate my life
Blizkit armor inspector lagging
Can you convert cas and fighters to navs?
Will the Reforged update remove any tanks?
You alright brother?
VW Golf or Mazda 3?
2005 Civic yay or nay?
Paradox Needs to Remove the '4 Carriers Per Navy' Limit
Can I just say the naval ai is really hideous?...
Should I refit my tanks?
Navy shenanigans
Is there a rule of thumb for how much naval speed to go for?
I hate Swizerland
Battlecruiser refit not possible
Do i need to build all the different Armored Support Vehicles?
Bit of help with navy, intel efficiency and patrols.
The ai doesn't guard Egypt anymore
Is logistics company worth it?
Why do support tanks have a speed?
Is the Ratte just a trap?
Navy patrol question
Two bugs found in South American naval focuses
Peak paradox ai
Units either shuffling or not moving at all.
I am unironically really disappointed that some stuff, but especially the Intercontinental Bomber is just a pre-BBA equipment, not an airframe