Annoying OP Champions
500$ later 100 primal
Help (siegfrund) with swift parry set- thoughts advice
200 primal shards later (1000$)
Nell black teeth- help plz
Who to 6 star next
Fjorad Wolf heart- plz help I can’t find his damage multiplier or vids of gameplay
Yay, Holsring… Any use for this guy after his buff?
If you don’t have a full set butt a really good peace is it wort keeping?
Nell black teeth- secret buff ?
Double legendary ( sun wukong and for the wymeater)
(Aphidus) it only took 197 shards
PLZ HELP , I don’t understand
It only took 197 shards
(Komodus Darksmile) how to build
(Nell black teeth) help. How to build
Are any of these champions worth 6 staring
Galleus bloodcreast. Aka. Chicken . Help
Galleus bloodcreast. Aka. Chicken
Galleus bloodcrest/ I just pulled this champ can I get help to know if he’s worth investing in
(Galleus Bloodcrest) any good if so where can I use him
Oella/karato any good?
(He man) are these good stats or should I add speed boots.
Is he worth grinding and ranking up? Haven’t seen his skills
Look how cute