Christina Applegate says she's been hospitalized 'upwards of 30 times' from vomiting, diarrhea, and pain tied to MS: ‘Talk to your doctor about motility issues’
How long have you waited for a Dr’s appointment?
what song sounds happy, but has scary lyrics?
For those with a rare diseases, this thread is for you!
Reminder about rare diseases day
Petechiae (?) on legs. Should I be worried? Can petechiae vanish when rubbing it?
What the hell…
Which song(s) do you relate to the most?
Will doctors have to come up with a new Clock Drawing Test for dementia since younger generations can’t read a clock?
For the people who were not strict about scar stretch how are your results?
Feeling so hopeless.
Experience with pain specialist
Doctor dismissing seizures because EEG was fine. What can I say??
My nails turned white 2 years ago. A dozen doctors a hundred tests and they’re all stumped
Am I being dramatic about the amount of pain I’m in?
Mom has to have leg amputated thanks to veins and arteries collapsing. Oh loo
Can someone that feels deeply about the “couldn’t really love you anymore/any more” lyric in The Gold explain it to me please?
Psychogenic pain isn't real
Reglan vs domperidone
any healthy salty snacks?
okay what’s everyone’s favorite lyric/lyrics?
If you could hear Fiona cover any song, what would it be?
Undiagnosed Cause for Malnutrition
Daughter recently diagnosed.
how do you/doctors decide when it’s time for a tube?