The More You Know
Some exterior views of my 100+ hour Mansion Project
Unpopular opinion? I absolutely fucking DESPITE McGonagall’s cutesy “I’ve always wanted to do that spell!” garbage line in DH2
When looking for a computer to stream, whats most important?
THUG 1+2 Remake .... Main Hope
Leaked Track List of Bleeding Steve's upcoming Album "Jaw Break 4th Way"
Ram Issues and rant
Lea Michele
Between season four and five
It's That Time of Year Where People Rage Hate Finn....
Andrew Panton
I see your webbed hand tunnels and I raise you some stretched ankles
Finn kinda sucked
Question for you all about 3+4
Saw this on Instagram
Not sure what I should be focusing on
If you had to choose between these for the next game - THAW 2 or THUG 3?
Is there a way to tell what figures will show up to places like walmart or target?
I didn’t mean to look that closely, but why are these figs cheeks up?! 😭
Okay.... I *might* have gone a little overboard with the demolition. But on the upside you get plenty of fresh air!
Has there ever been en episode of a sitcom you seemingly always miss for one reason or another?
My favorite queens from the Brewster Projects
Since Superman was the Main Title song for 1+2, what do you think the Main Title Song will be for 3+4?
The TMNT / Call of Duty cross over is....uh... quite the sight?
Not sure why but I always thought this really showed off how Strong... and Patient... Raph is. Like one slip and that guy could be a puddle.