I bet they didn’t want us to see this!
So they have cell phones to communicate. I bet they didn’t want us to see this!
Dirty Delete by West
We're not the only ones who see this...Right?
Darcey looked like she was stuffed into a sausage casing!
Kim showing up wrapped up in a twin size duvet cover was a choice
What a color choice
Madison is so rotten
I’m just going to admit it…
JT deserves an Apology
Darcey always looking trashy with her Forever 21 clothes and way too small.
Petition to make Dave have to call his sister anytime he enters a business
T RAV in the wild
Every couple months or so the world is reminded of what Kylie Jenner actually looks like and we’re left traumatized
It's Taco Twirl Night! 💃🌮
Josh wasn’t even cute as a baby 😭🫣😂
All she was missing was the lipstick
Michael’s nails??!!🤮
Did Stacey take "something"to make her act like this? 🤔🤨
What is this?! 😳😳😳
🤣🤣 Sure, Darcey.....you're really "fit"! 🤣🤣
Does Josh have a tic?
Loren's stories