That model .
I'm not the only one who thought this shit looks like hermit purple right?
Oda should do this
The staff list is out…. What y’all think?
Chapter 1143 all raws
Solo leveling is the kgf of anime .
Prime chairman would have soloed beru
How many rumours does Kaido need to beat Roger?
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Greenbull will kill shanks
Solo Leveling has done it
Which one is it ? 🤔
Is Ragnarok actually good? (No dick riding please)
What EoS reveal do you think will shock the fanbase?
Does anyone know how to get the episode early
Can we please get another cool Logia or Paramecia User
Can this guy 1 v1 speedblitz evey bleach character
Best cosplay
So why Kuzan can't freeze Time? Is he a fraud? What's preventing him from awakening his devil fruit?
How badly akainu violates Loki?
Name that anime
Who’s ready?
How someone like nietzche who denied preistly class supports manu's order