Cybertruck owner vows to help Tesla sell more cars after his Cybertruck gets keyed
MAGA don’t know that Tesla isn’t the only manufacturer of EVs
Cybertruck with a white wrap gets vandalized and covered with anti-Elon messages
Cuisance wanted by Young Boys Bern
In my country, a huge supermarket chain started selling Fritz Cola and advertising it everywhere. I hope this is the start of having a more diverse selection of EU (and Canadian) products!
Justin Trudeau’s first selfie as a retired man
Mehr als 100k bei Trade Republic?
Wer von euch
Berdyansk, 🇺🇦 Ukraine. Currently occupied by the russians.
Welche Aktien am spannendsten momentan?
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Schlachtplan 08:00Uhr
Is it offensive to make a Nazi/hitler joke around Germans?
Wo sind eigentlich die ganzen Angestellten aus den „kleinen Buden“?
Forgetting that without 🇫🇷 France there would be no US, Trump admin says 🇫🇷 France should be thankful that they're not all speaking German now. How do you say fuck off in French?
Bin ich der einzige der Steyr verpasst hat?
U7 Pöbelei 19:50 Uhr- Zeuge
Straight guys with no boundaries last KN
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How is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s voice perceived when speaking German?
Is this a reasonable note to leave
Ich suche eine Jacke mit solchen Taschen. Wie suche ich danach am besten?
iPhone 17 series dummy models leaked
“considering how poor all you [Europeans] are”