What religion are you
What's your name without these letters?
ציירתי את זה, לא יודע למה.
Do women find chubby guys attractive at all?
Is there still hope for me?
Do you think this lasagna is sold in Italy?
turning 17 sounds scary
Where do you get social interaction besides school
DAMN my boyfriend is hot as hell
How many of you would consider yourself attractive
מה הבעיה בשוקולד תות?
SmoothKP shipping to India
מכשפה על הירח
The last thing you ate is her name
Why do you do your makeup?
פורים שמח! (אוסף תחפושות מהארוקון 2025(
How many languages do you speak ?
What is your reddit streak
איזה ציון לוקחים מועד ב׳ נמוך או א׳ גבוה
how much sleep do you guys get?
Do you shower every day?
שאלה לחילונים, אגנוסטים ואתאיסטים שבינינו
Where are you guys from? Why do I feel like everyone here is from the US😭 I’m from Denmark🇩🇰
מה אתם לומדים?