Showing up with balloons to pick up kinder on birthday.. your thoughts?
Is an almost 6 year old too old to have training wheels on bike?
What’s the “coolest” last name you’ve ever heard of?
What do you consider a 6:30am to 4:30pm shift?
Am I doing the right thing by making my kinder go to his teacher and apologize to her after school?
Can my dad sue the guy that made him have to get shoulder replacement surgery?
Anyone else’s kindergartener obsessed with math?
Is it weird for an almost 6 year old to sleep in the same bed as his momma?
What’s your least favorite and favorite KOQ episode?
Anyone else RANDOMLY get in moods where they are angry for no reason?
What do you typically do on your day off of work or school?
AITA for letting my coworkers do my work for me?
Kinder doesn’t take punishments seriously?
What is your biggest every day annoyance you wish would just go away?
What’s the last thing you ordered from Door Dash?
What’s your favorite tv show?
Anyone else REFUSE to eat fish?
WIBTA if I refused to let my son wear the shirt his dad sent him?
WIBTA if I didn’t let my son wear the shirt his dad sent him?
Kindergartener with Possible Autism?
What’s the best vitamin to take to avoid getting sick when working in childcare?
What is your go-to meal at McDonald's?
Is this a normal part of a 5 year olds speech?
Is my kindergartner too old to be in a car seat?
What last name is worse: Gutenplant or Ratnaster?