Name ideas🐣
Post the latest picture of your cav, no cheating.
Dead Inside ?
Does anyone else’s cavi love everyone a little TOO MUCH
Does anyone know where I can find these?
I just turned 16!
Quirky name that starts with an M for a boy
People keep saying I look 40 in like all my other pictures so here is me without dressing up to a dress code!
Celebrated my first valentines ☺️
“Food please?”
AITAH for going behind my mother’s back about police?
Happy Valentine’s Day from old man Stan.
I(M) need someone (F) to talk to
what's an unspoken social rule that everyone should follow ?
This is bubbles!
Huffs, snorts, grunts and other Cavalier noises
Does anyone else’s cavi sleep with their eyes open??
Why can't I go too?
Can I get a job at 14?
Unhappy and dealing with abuse vs finally archiving safety and happiness
what shoes with this fit?
Discoloration under and between boobs?
Why don’t men ask for my number?