How would you mask this?
AITAH for refusing to take my boss’s dog home every night even though “it’s just a temporary arrangement”
Why don't celebrities hire escorts instead of trying to have sex with people who don't obviously want it?
Do any of you see any happy couples?
Whats the most irritating thing about a one night stand?
My mother tells me that at other people's houses, when going to the bathroom, it's expected to do a "courtesy flush". Is this a real thing?
What ruins a burger ?
Some advice from an Italian living in Italy to those who want to travel to Italy to avoid scams
What is a lie people still believe?
Wanted to use my bowling ball for the first time in 6 years
What's the most painful thing you have ever stood on?
What movie has a soundtrack that complements the movie or particular scenes very well?
What’s something you will always judge people for, even though you know you shouldn’t?
What's something you're better at than most people?
What show are you currently watching and enjoying?
🔥The Tibetan sand fox. Their skull shape and short ears give them a very distinctive appearance.🔥
When did the cops come to your door?
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
If you could have dinner with anyone from history , who would it be ?
Do women discuss their date's penis more than guys discuss their date's vagina?
I don't think i can ever go back to what I was smoking before SM is simply the best I've had in a while!
I am strain hunting! Cult; what is your favorite strain of all time?
Or you could take my word for it so I don’t have to
I agree, these are the best kind of fries! Who serves fries like these in (Metro) Detroit?