Possible Hot Take: I Hate The State of Destiny’s Factions
You Can Bring Back 1 D1 Ornament: What’s Your Pick?
I’m so f-ing done with this shit.
Ok I Can’t Get Over It: Why Is Make Rover So FINE?!
Can’t Get Next Part of Spider’s Vesper Quest
What Crit Rate Do You Usually Settle For?
What exotics give glaives the most melee damage
Is Soloing Vesper’s Host For Higher Drop Chance Actually Worth It
Note To Bungie: Dev On Stream Got New Trace Rifle Perk Wrong
How Do I Avoid Glitching The Icebreaker Catalyst?
Strange, Serious Glitch Happening Across The Game And No Idea What Causes It…
Can We Go Back To Old Strike Modifiers Please…
Can’t Decide What To Go For On Succession
The Aether we deserve
Is it annoying when a player “speedruns” through strikes? Love to hear your thoughts
Trump and Vance humiliate them selves infront of the world.
Roster Using My Favorite Pokemon: Who's Your Main?
Be honest, what issues do you still have with the game ?
Does Base Chaos Reach Need A Duration Increase?
I Thought Savathun Was Smarter Than That Honestly… (Spoiler Warning!)
Why Only 1 Guy… and why did he have to be a pirate 😭
So how do people feel about the ab service? (Event minor spoilers)
Evidence That Anti Gravity Is Less Likely To Be In The Switch 2 Mario Kart
Finally! Someone Got Video Of Annoying Ass Bug!
Sundered doctrine bugs