Would you like to get the 5 stack (but stronger) passive back?
Why don't we have visual minion execution mark for q?
How do I subtly tell my bf that he's not as good as he thinks he is?
Which is more worth than other ? Having 11 cs/min or roaming other lanes
I think irelia should get % armour pen with her ult
Illaoi matchup help
How do I stop being toxic to myself?
Is OTPing a champion really "the best way to climb?"
Banned for being a bad player
What is your main champion history and other champions you main?
Im shaking when playing irelia
XG Irelia
tryndamere ult rework idea
Out of curiosity, What season was your favorite and why?
emerald is coinflip
High movement speed is too common in this meta, it makes certain champions almost have no weaknesses
current state of irelia
Hand made old towel Amumu
What is going on with Darius Jungle?
Specific champion matchups have been getting a lot more polarizing over the years
Who enjoy when Garen is strong?
What do you think about DD second ?