What's the best looking Genesis game to you?
I think Green Hill Paradise Act 2 is the epitome of what an open world Sonic game should be like.
In my opinion, Green Hill Paradise Act 2 is the epitome of what a open world sonic game should feel like.
2D Mario vs 2D Sonic Level Design
What do you think each sly game does best in your opinion?
Most underrated/overhated part of each classic Sonic game
I think Vectorman is very overrated
I think people praise Sonic Cd's visuals and level size too much...
I think this is the coolest village modification I've ever done.
I created art using shadows in Minecraft. Here's a timelapse and how it turned out.
This is so true though...
Super Mario World vs Sonic 3 & Knuckles vs Donkey Kong Country 2
Tridents in Minecraft...
Sonic 3 VS Sonic Mania