Am I Overreacting because I won’t go to my dad’s wedding ceremony? Mo
My pretty girl likes to smile :)
İ cannot take it anymore.
I just really miss my baby
Indian woman forearm tattoo by Ash Gonzales Austin, Tx
Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
AIO - Asking a guy im no longer dating to delete sexual photos
Replacing a houseplant
Jensen is one heck of an actor
All the shower essentials
Favorite Team Avatar member and why
I could never hate any of them. They were 17 year old girls getting preyed on by grown ass vampires and were just trying to survive.
Where did these go?
Maybe the hardest I laughed at any line in the entire show. Comment with a line you thought tops this one!
Timelapse of a 17 minutes span when a street turns into a river due to heavy rains in Brazil
What’s a common thing people say that makes no fucking sense?
Who was yours?
Name a character that everyone loves but you hate.
I used to SA college chicks at frat parties
Season 1 Ep 2 Yellowstone brands
After many years, what commercial still lives rent free in your head?
Georgia State Patrol in Austin?
Dom Dolla best set of the weekend
Be Aware- Charity Scam in ATX - Stand for the silent & zenith ATX