Anti American propaganda in movies / pop culture?
Socialism and communism are different right?
Marxist Countries Today?
When is it time to start the revolution?
Required readings of modern socialism?
May Day 2028?
Hit that juicy 2k culture 1 turn before victory!!
No Nukes for Soviets-- how?
The real movement of true communism
Do socialists consider it important today to own your own printing press as it was considered in the twentieth century?
Why are some people defending Cuban government?
Why borders of 1946 in Palestine and not 1967? Why not two-state solution?
Meta: Reroll
Could social democracy be a realistic transitionary system to actual socialism?
by Ron DeSantis to stage a hurricane recovery press conference by stacking actual garbage behind his podium, all while shaming other politicians for exploiting the disaster
is the university allowed to extend semesters for hurricanes?
If Romania got the German treatment after WW2
Can I be socialist but not support the acts of various famous leaders?
Why do people keep picking Trainer Golems in ranked?
Why must Capital continue to accumulate even after monopolies form?
I’m not sure if this is the right sub but what if during this exact moment what would happen if they started fighting each other?(with no firearms and any kind of weapons)
Obama stares down Putin. Coldest political pic ever
What are old games you can 100% say stood the test of time and someone who's only played modern games would still really enjoy?
If Western culture are more sexualised/horny, how come eastern people have more population?
Victoria 3 has made me, a capitalist, understand marxist theories on capital
This game is good