Should I retire any of the soft goods?
Top surgery with EDS skin issues?
Question about Muldowney Protocol
Shaving with EDS?
Rock climbing
Taping issues with T?
Is there any aspect of transitioning that is helped by being a zebra?
Peeing while camping
Best sport climbing near LA this time of year?
ASK ME ANYTHING | Paldeep S. Atwal, MD, FACGM, (et. al.)
do you guys get pain/hypermobile here
Share your weird/rediculously silly sounding injury stories
WA (Spokane) PCP recommendations?
Can Intentionally Cramp Muscles
Maybe I was born to be an Eldridge horror
Is this an EDS thing
Has anyone else had reactions to injections?
Why did you choose shots over gel?
Best way to grow my clit?
Bottom growth…hardness?
Winter Climbing in Oregon?
Maybe EDS?
Is this a normal amount of blood?
Food ideas