Is this picture interesting or meh?
Who is the most ruined character?
Imagine if we got Dennis Villeneuve adapting Dance of the Dragons. I know he only makes movies but a man can contemplate how epic and faithful it would be.
If GoT s1-4 team was behind blood and cheese , it would've been some of the most darkest and gruesome scenes in the entire series
Do you think this will happen in the Show?
Hess and Condal are much worse
All of Sara Hess's controversies and bad writing decisions, explained
What's everyone's grab-and-go lens?
How far would you crop?
Which setting for Sunrise photos?
Small fishing town in south Italy
We’ve come so far. Thanks EU 🇪🇺
Lighthouse photo what do you think? Too boring?
Deutschlands Chancen gegen Spanien 🇩🇪🇪🇸
What do you think about the composition? Is the lighthouse to small?
A7RV with Tamron 35-150 f2-2.8
Which one should I keep?
Worth to get a second body just for street + travel?
Do you all like as much as me? (Part 2)
forever traumatized
Finanz Experte
Did I just score?