Help for boss Old dragon slayer Ps4
Best place to sunbro at 745k soul memory?
"Sir, you appear to have an Ogre pursuing you. You should probably take care of that."
[Rant] I don’t know how you guys do it
Questions about Raw Build / Bluemoon Greatsword
Thoughts on a Cleric / Dex build?
strongest black knight weapon?
Show me the difference
What are some good spells to use spices on?
Anyone got some fun weapon suggestions
Does old paledrake soul only drop in NG+ in SoTfs
Whats your favorite sorcerie/miracle/pyromancy?
What can I do to optimize my build for maximum damage?
What's your favorite off-meta weapon for PVP?
I really wish more people invaded.
Why are so many players scared of getting invaded?
I promise you I wanted to help and I accidentally killed the pursuer.
Do the enemies in Black Gulch still drop Titanite Chunks in Company of Champions?
O Vendrick, now dawns thy reckoning
First playthrough, why can't I talk to bro? What do I do with him?
[Ps4] W: Souls H: ask. SM: 268,000
why do yall like this game???
Patch 8 wait is brutal
Go to perk loadouts to run in Search and Destroy? (Perk greed accepted)
Xdefiant's biggest problem