What’s the one product or treatment you would never recommend to somebody
Birthday Page
Anyone know a good place to get scrapbooking supplies?
Best Thermal Spray
What is the best beauty investment you made?
what hair styles / trends will be popular in 2025
What was your skincare game changer?
What makeup product are you still holding on to after YEARS?
Animal Crossing New England Aquarium PopUp
Peddlers Village
Painted nails or non painted nails
Christmas village Philadelphia
What website is everybody on to resell?
Do you prefer audiobooks or physical books?
Why do you read these books? What's the appeal?
what is everyone’s opinion on the unbrush?
Let’s hear your 10 minute makeup routine
covid cosmetologists! Do you feel that school prepared you or did you learn more outside of school?
Body lotion recipe
Ideas for 10 minute or less makeup
Getting started as a makeup artist - tips please
Esthetician to Cosmetologist
Scrapbooking help and advice please
Do you do hairstyling full-time or part-time?
SADI-SCREAM complete collection