Which are your favorite citrus trees to grow in Tucson?
Looking for a landscape designer/architect in Tucson. Not just a landscaper. Any recommendations?
Feit electric smart bulbs won’t light up in the two fixtures on the front of my house.
Rainwater harvesting: is it worth the investment here in Tucson? How do you use yours? Any favorite contractors?
Anyone have a hopseed bush hedge for privacy? Trying to find good examples of how this will look.
Instead of buying a softener, whole house carbon filter, and RO from a local dealer/installer, I’m thinking of ordering online and having my plumber install them. What are the best products to buy? Details in body text.
Does this one-tank Clack combo softener, carbon filter look good? Going with this company will be about $1250 less than a different plumber using Clack WS1ee softener plus coconut shell carbon filter in two separate tanks. Swipe for more info.
Where to buy a salt lamp
Looking for an in-person color analysis in Arizona (Phoenix area or Tucson).
Ugh. I don’t think I love this couch.
What do you clean when you are done but still want to?
What would you change? It doesn’t feel cohesive.
why do Americans like a little "kick" in their food?
You most likely do NOT look younger
Found a roll of film at a flea market
A new washing machine in 2025. What can I buy for life?
Am I one of you? Height is 5’9. Thank you!
No seat depth, am I doing something wrong?
Is Eustachian tube dysfunction worse in the morning for anyone? I’m dealing with this after a bout of RSV, and it’s better by the evening but then I wake up and it’s bad again. (More in text)
What home coffee essentials have held up and lasted you over time?
Slight buyers remorse
How can I get clear skin?
Help with GE GXSH40V water softener. Please! Details in body text.